People are mean. They like to pretend that they don't have feelings. Like things don't affect them. They drown it all out with drugs or alcohol or hurting others. But all they really end up doing is hurting themselves.
Go ahead. Try life sober for a while. You might not like it. But you'll see things for what they truly are. And then there is no turning back.
I think that's why people relapse. Because life is hard. It never gets any easier. And you won't make it if you're checking out with drugs, or alcohol, or being cruel to others. Oh, you'll probably live. You'll definitely live. Because that is your punishment. Some people believe there is a hell. I think you make your own. Right here on earth. If you're arrogant enough to believe that what you're doing in this moment has no consequences, then you deserve what's coming.
The thing is, life's not fair. It never has been. It never will be. But the only thing you have control over in this world are your actions. So choose them well, treat others as you would like to be treated. Turn the other cheek. It won't be easy. You will fail at moments. But don't give up. Never give up. Because one day this life will be over and you will know what is beyond it. Whether you believe or not, there is an end and when it comes, and it will come, you're not going to be ready. I don't think anyone ever really is. And I've been there, I've seen people go, and all the wishing and hoping in the world is not going to matter in the end. All you really have is right here, right now. So be wise.
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