Don't try to commit me, I'm not insane.
That being said, I have a jobby job with a picture name badge, company shirt, and company truck.
I got a haircut and a real job.
My kids are good. I took them to the creek to swim a couple days ago and we found a lot of interesting rocks and fossils while we were there. We skipped rocks. Bella pulled large rocks from the creekbed and threw my cool fossils back in the water.
I am starting a new chapter in my life and it's called:
Beth Owns All Her Decisions And Is A Big Girl Wearing Big Girl Panties
Sooooo...I have NOT been repeating the same actions over and over expecting different results. I'm changing the results by changing my actions. And I will not apologize for taking control of my life.
I love my Dad.
I love my siblings...all of them.
I appreciate everything that anyone has ever done for me.
If you want to be part of my life, dont fuck with me, okay? I'm a lot more clever than you're giving me credit LOWER YOUR EXPECTATIONS to a reasonable level, okay? Okay.
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