This is a rant, just to warn you.
I'm at a loss for trying to wrap my head around the boorish behavior of those who like to stir up shit. I have a certain respect for the readers of my blog, and the readers of all blogs. For you to take time out of your life for a few moments to read what I say means more to me than I could explain.
What I don't understand is why people bother to read my posts if they are uncouth enough to insult me on my own blog. If you don't want my opinion, my stories, my experiences in life--don't read it. If I piss you off beyond the capabilities of your etiquette, then just stop where you are reading and navigate away, to somewhere where your uncouth behavior is acceptable.
Wait a second...didn't I previously post a lesson on etiquette? Shall we have another? Just for shits and giggles?
Etiquette & Manners : A Lesson In Social Interaction
1) If you don't have anything nice to say, then come sit by me. Just kidding. Seriously, though, sometimes your opinion should be kept to yourself. Especially if it sucks.
2) If you are going to speak your opinion, expect an opposing opinion in every situation and be prepared to bite your tongue. Biting your tongue can help you save face, as well as allow someone else to freely voice their opinion.
3) Don't start conversations on taboo subjects with people who you know have an opposing view to yours. You'll just ruin relationships and look like a boorish fool.
4) Always remember that, even though others may not, you can have (or develop) the manners it takes to have polite conversation with other people.
5) Think before you speak, write, or post. Just consider how the recipient might interpret what you are saying. Just because it doesn't really sound offensive to you, always consider how others might interpret your words.
You want to spar with me, then bring it. I'm down with that. But you better bring your fucking manners with you when we do.
"...head like a hole
black as your soul
I'd rather die
than give you control...
....bow down to the one you serve
you're going to get what you deserve..."
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