Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Angel -- Jimi Hendrix

  My favorite thing, by far, is music. No matter what else is going on, music always makes it better. I prefer different music for different moods. I think that that may be true of everyone. Tool is good for any mood. Whether depressed, angry, happy, or excited, Tool is good for it all. Led Zeppelin is good for cleaning on Saturday morning. Frank Zappa when you're crazy drunk, The Cars when you're partying. I have so many favorite bands and songs that it is hard to decide...

 But if I had to pick a song as one of my favorites, it would be this one. I used to sit in my room, when I was young, and while listening to Jimi Hendrix, make elaborate collages. The rents even got me my own set of x-acto knives. Those were fun.

 I used to use Dad's supply catalogues to cut out funny phrases. You'd be surprised what you can find in machinery supply catalogues. Like this one ad:

"Turns out it does take a rocket scientist to create the perfect wheel chair."

I guess it does. I found out today that there is no amount of medication in the world that can fix me. Isn't that reassuring?

"Angel came down from heaven yesterday
She stayed maybe just long enough to rescue me
And she told me a story yesterday
About the sweet love between the moon and the deep blue sea
And then she spread her wings high over me
And said she's gonna come back tomorrow
And I said, 'Fly on by sweet angel, Fly on through the sky...'"

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