Friday, June 22, 2012

Jesus Is Just Alright -- The Doobie Brothers [2]

Enjoy the next installment of my rhetorical argument about religion:

Referring to my religious argument with someone statements were said, including:

"God controls everything."
"Everything happens for a reason."
"Everything is preordained by God." (Well, it's usually, "It's all part of God's plan.")

It's like what you hear after your Mother dies.

And you know what I say? Bullshit. What of the fact of free will? Can we really say that something is predetermined when, in fact, we make choices every day. Does God make those choices for us? Does he already have a script of our lives written out? Is he like, "Beth's going to get her cornea! Ha! One smite down, seventeen gazillion to go!"

No, I don't believe that that's necessarily how things work.

What makes someone go through the choices in their lives that lead to murder, rape, pedophelia, and any other violent acts? Are we to believe that these atrocious acts are the will of God? I don't believe that. Does this mean that there are evil spirits, a yang to God's yin--Satan and his minions? Can people who perform atrocities upon others be possessed with evils spirits, or born with them? Who the hell knows.

If our lives were so preordained then why so many people have shitty ones? And why do so many people do horrific, deceitful, or violent things to others? What of free will? What of the choices we make in our lives? What of judgment and redemption? Can you be redeemed if you slaughter your own flesh and blood? Can you be redeemed if you rape a small child? Can you be redeemed if your an addict or alcoholic?

So my argument with an acquaintance over religion continues with his rebuttal. Here's a snippet of conversation in which we were discussing prayer and the fact that he thinks that God determines everything:

"If you pray God will speak to you," he said.

My hand was on the sliding door, one foot in. Turning I said, "God doesn't speak to me."

As I was stepping the rest of the way inside and closing the door he rebutted my statement, "It's that little voice in your head."

Well, if you know me, then you know what's coming. Who knew religious discussion would be a game of Bullshit? I didn't say it to him, but I was thinking, No, that little voice inside my head is me. Just ask her. 

No, that little voice inside my head talks to me in Times New Roman and in the English language.  It's me in there, talking to myself. If it was God, that little voice, then I would never have another question again.

I believe that we all have control over our fates. When I was sixteen I prayed to God every night to make me happy or take me from this world. I prayed for weeks. And I always woke from my sleep without an answer. God never spoke a word to me. But I knew then that if I was going to be happy, that I'd better make myself that way, because God wasn't going to get me out of this life or its hardships, and he wasn't going to send me a obvious message. I believe that God is much more subtle.

God doesn't speak to me. But I've learned not to listen with my ears or mind, but with my soul, but I still don't get the answers I seek. I make my life choices based on the way they make me feel in my heart. That's cool for me, 'cause I'm not a violent criminal.  


  1. Of course there's the old conundrum of destiny versus free will. If everything is preordained, then there's no such thing as free will, which leaves no one responsible for their actions.

  2. Oh, Amy, you just have to stir shit up, huh? Preordained destiny vs. free will...when everyone starts believing that they can just do whatever the fuck they want to, because our destinies are preordained (and we, therefore, have no real free will) then we're all doomed. I will reiterate: We're all doomed! But, really, it's like the chicken and egg thing. We can argue all day about how things are, but that gets us nowhere.
    Just remember: and it harms none, do what thou will. (that includes yourself, too!)
