Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Nothing Man -- Pearl Jam

While I was making home-made muffins for the girls one day, I was thinking about the song Nothing Man.

Back in the day my sister Sarah and I shared a room. We liked to rock out to music, and some of our favorite music to listen to was Pearl Jam.

One day, while listening to Vitalogy, the door to our room part of the way open, Mom burst in and asked, "Is he saying 'muffin man,' because that's what it sounds like he's saying from out here."

"No, Mom, he's saying 'nothing man,'" we explained, as we laughed. It was kind of one of those things that you had to be there for, I suppose.

One day she came in while I was listening to Primus' The Return of Sathington Willoughby, and said that she liked that and what was it called? I didn't know the name of the song then, but explained that it was Primus.

Mom liked music. Except most of Led Zeppelin. She hated when Dad turned up the stereo and put on a Led Zeppelin album. I thought, at the time that, wHole Lotta Love was a good title for a blog post because listening to it and the Lemon Song pissed her off so much.

But I also know that Mom did like some Led Zeppelin--particularly IV; I think that she liked a lot more of Dad's music than she let on. Like Frank Zappa. Maybe It wasn't her favorite music, but she knew the words. She also liked Louis Armstrong's What a Wonderful World and Nights In White Satin by the Moody Blues, and Collective Soul, which she requested I make her a CD of a long time ago. Mom liked all kinds of music, really. And I'm glad that she did, because between her and Dad, we all like a variety of music.

Except country music. There's some country music that I can tolerate and some that I just absolutely cannot. And when we were youngsters Dad would turn on country music to get us out of the bed in the morning. It was annoying, but it was better than water in your ear.

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