Thursday, September 15, 2011

"Ode To My Family" -- The Cranberries

I waited nineteen years to be someone's boss. And what did that get me? The mother's curse, of course.

When we were young we used to beg Dad to listen to something other than NPR while we were in the car. He would tell us that when we were old enough to drive, and have our own cars, then we could listen to whatever the hell we wanted to. Oh how fun it was to tell Anna-Lee such! I even turned up Ellie Goulding to drown out her, "that's not fair"s. Addison tries to be sneaky sneaky about it. Tiptoeing over to the stereo to turn the volume dial down and down as I blast Red Hot Chili Peppers or Tool. It's also funny to put on Led Zeppelin and turn the volume up as loud as I can stand it. But not for the same reasons. When we were too young to understand the lyrics to The Lemon Song, Dad would be blasting the tall boys with Mom begging him to just turn it off.

"But, Mom, we like it!" we would say, staunchly defending Dad's choice of Saturday morning cleaning music.

Little did we realize that ten plus years later we would be blasting Brittany Spears and hoping that the kids wouldn't understand the lyrics.

I think we turned out awesome. Crank it up, Dad!

Sorry, Anna-Lee. One day you will be able to tell your kids that your Mom drove you bat-shit-crazy with weird music. So, when their tinny little voices can be heard in the music's pause, just laugh and say, "Now it's your turn."

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