It was odd that she chose that time of day to leave. Outside the close cool walls of the apartment the afternoon air was thick and hot. Blaise glanced down and wished she had worn her sandals. She hated to go to the movies with sandals, the floor is always so sticky there, she thought, as she rolled down the windows.
It was almost a shame to break the quiet of the neighborhood, but she was ready to get to the mall, do some window shopping, then catch a movie with her friends. She turned up the volume on her stereo before she backed out of the parking space. Blaise flipped a hand through an unruly section of auburn hair and checked her mirrors. She waited for a dingy blue pick-up truck to pass by and then drove toward the Seventh Street entrance to the apartments, passing by a couple of thirsty-looking kids dragging their bikes toward home. Smiling as she drove, she sung along with the music, trying to remember the name of that new movie. Crazy Schoolmarm, or something, she thought as she eased into traffic.
"Oh my god! I thought you'd never get here! I've been waiting for like ten minutes!" Sandy tapped the toe of one pump and slipped her cell phone back into her pocket.
"I had to wait until Mom got home. She just pulled a double," Blaise replied, lifting and dropping one shoulder in an elegant motion that accentuated the curtain of hair spilling down her back.
"Well, I already got your ticket, we're seeing Alley Fisticuffs 5: Bob's Revenge," Sandy dropped the slip of paperboard into her hand and walked into the mall, the doors shushing behind them in puff of warm air.
"It's not really Alley Fisticuffs, is it?" she queried, taking a deep breath of the cool air inside.
They headed toward the cinema, "No, it's some teeny bopper romance bullshit that Marnie insists that we watch 'cause she's into that ugly dude, Jeff Kayes, or whatever," Sandy's voice was a tiny bit bitchy under her outwardly happy tone.
[catch more of this story later...]
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