Saturday, May 21, 2011

"Till the World Ends" -- Britney Spears

Stardate: May 21, 2011

Captain’s Log

Today the world ends. Or at least according to some uber-religious guy who reads his Bible and buys billboard space to advertise the end of the world. I’m not convinced.

Today we have a journey ahead of us, and I’ve been up since 5 this morning. Well, I did have a little bit of a nap between 7 and 8. I just couldn’t sleep. You know, I went to the grocery yesterday and the worst part about the world ending today is that I bought all these groceries and now I won’t have a chance to eat them. We had planned on hitting Denny’s today, but I don’t know that I want my last meal to be cheese fries and weak coffee.

On the Early show they have been discussing this issue all morning. One of the stories was about capitalizing on the world ending…can you do that? Of course you can. Albrecht Durer did. He created the famous Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. But this guy isn’t exactly Durer. And Durer probably didn’t really believe the world would end. But, then again, you never know. This guy can spend millions on his end-of-the-world propaganda via his radio stations and billboards, but what’s going to happen when he’s wrong. After all, Albrecht Durer, and his peers, didn’t see the world end during their lifetimes. Kind of makes you wonder, huh?

So, if you’re a believer, I wouldn’t go out and spend all your money, flip off the cop who pulls you over for a minor traffic violation, or tempt fate frogger-style by darting out into traffic. The world might not end at 6 o’clock tonight, so don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

If you’re a skeptic and a cynical shit such as I, who laughs at the apocalypse, then join me. Join me as I laugh. (My husband tells me not to laugh “because you never know.” Well, if the world ends, I will at least have enjoyed a day out with my family) My skepticism knows no end. So is that 6 PM my time? Or is that Mountain time? And what about the people on the other side of the world? It won’t be six o’clock everywhere, so is it like a cascading sort of thing, like watching the wave in a stadium? “Well, George, it’s 6 central, guess we’ll have one more hour to contemplate the afterlife.”

Yes, I mock you, end-of-the-world believers. Pray for me, for I’m too busy listening to loud music and dancing ‘til the world ends. (Oh, and a special thanks to Britney Spears for creating my Apocalyptic Soundtrack!)

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