Monday, March 21, 2011

"Eulogy" -- Tool

Well, today I have a rant. For those of you who wont understand, that's all right. for those of you who do, enjoy:

Parents: you have a responsibility to your children. Becoming a mother or a father does not end when you decide to leave, when you decide to take the lazy track to parenting, when you decide to give up. Those kids need parents. They need you to lead by example. If you leave abruptly and unkindly, breaking the hearts, and mental capacities, of those you leave, you are still responsible for them. You can't just decide one day that you'll be a parent to someone else, but not those you've left behind. YOU are responsible for every hardship that those left behind will face because of your uncaring attitude. Kids shouldn't have to go to bed hungry, they shouldn't be wandering out into traffic to get to a store to buy some toys because you were too sorry to get up and take care of them. Kids shouldn't have to take care of their guardians. They shouldn't have to worry about whether they are going to have food to eat, somewhere to live, or warm clothes to wear. But they do. And though they are stronger for it, they are deeply flawed from the lack of love and care that a responsible parent provides. Not all parents are perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. But YOU will get what is coming. In the end, you will face all the things that you try to ignore now. There will be a reckoning. Can you honestly say that you did what you needed to do--that you did it while trying your damnedest not to hurt anyone--or everyone--involved? You can't go back and change things, of course, but you can live today differently. You can change. You can if you feel it in your heart that it is what you need to do. I know some of you will read this and consider what I've said. I know others still will read it and get angry, defensive, say you've done nothing wrong, that you've really tried your best. Well, let me just tell you one last thing...there will be a day when your last breath leaves your body and all you will be able to think about is all the things that you wish you could have done with your life. And if, in those final moments, you have no regrets, you have no apologies, you have nothing that you wish you had done differently--be afraid, be very afraid. I don't know what happens when you die, but I like to hope that people get what they deserve in the end.

and... i'm spent.

1 comment:

  1. I know I certainly hope a particular someone rots in hell as well as suffers some sort of horrible disfigurement during this life time for the exact reasons you have stated.
