Saturday, January 8, 2011

"People Are Strange" -- The Doors

  When Mom and Dad would keep Anna, then later, Addison, as well, during finals or spring break, we would meet at this quadruple restaurant thing halfway between our respective homes. On one such occasion, we had decided to eat, and were watching the kids play arcade games and eat ketchup. Not too long into our meal, an older couple came and sat in the booth across the aisle from us.
   I leaned into Mom and whispered, "That guy looks like Colonel Sanders!"
   And, of course, he did look like Colonel Sanders. He had the whole thing going on. He was an older man with white hair, white facial hair, white suit with bolo tie, and white hat. It was crazy--crazy like a Fried Chicken King look-alike.
  After looking at him Mom said, "I think he means to look like Colonel Sanders."
  Which makes sense. Why else would you look like Colonel Sanders? The side of their car had a magnetic sign that said something about him being the Colonel Sanders Look-Alike Contest winner. Apparently there are enough Colonel Sanders look-alikes to necessitate a contest. I wonder if he received a sash and a scepter? Maybe they had a scepter made with a chicken leg on top... What kind of skills must one possess to attain such a title?
  If there's a Colonel Sanders look-alike, is there a Wendy look-alike? Is there a even a Wendy? I always thought she looked like Pippie Longstocking... Or maybe there are Dave look-alikes. There is most likely a vast industry ripe with the dopplegangers of various celebrities and psuedo-celebrities, circulating amongst us, surprising us at restaurants and posing for pictures.
  How about this... I will put up a gadget, and you go out and find yourself a look-alike and upload a picture for all to see. I want to know if you can find someone in your home town who looks like someone famous or remotely famous. I'll make my own little contest. Whoever gets the best photo with a look-alike will get...

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