Wednesday, December 1, 2010

"Nutshell" --Alice In Chains

As everyone knows, I can’t tell a short story to save my life; however, I am going to try. I mentioned before that Jamie went to the hospital. Turns out that he wasn’t the only one; the new baby got sick and went to the hospital for tests and treatment. I don’t know why it is that every time it rains it floods...

After Mom's experience and subsequent death, I freaked the fuck out when I started bleeding and hurting for seemingly no reason. [See earlier blog entry on Endometrial Cancer]. After a Saturday morning trip to the ER, during which they decided that my troubles must be caused by my kidney stones, and a Monday morning visit with my urologist, I had had (up to this point) lab work, an x-ray and a CT. When I received my test results, I was troubled. Yes, I did have some small kidney stones in both kidneys, and a UTI, but no, it wasn’t’ anything serious. Okay, that’s all good and everything, glad it’s nothing serious—but why the FUCK am I still in excruciating pain? Using a telephone directory with ads compiled by my daughter’s school, I found the number for a practice called Urogynecology Specialists. I called after hours and begged to get in. I was fortunate to get in the next day. After more tests, the specialists determined that I have ovarian cysts. Nothing that would require surgery at this time. But you know what? I think I would rather not have all that shit in there if it’s going to be that much trouble. I mean, I’m done. No more babies.

My best friend in the world and sister called me before Thanksgiving to tell me that her latest doctor had determined that she, indeed, has cervical cancer. They are going to do a procedure to remove the cancer cells. If that does not solve the problem, then they will perform a hysterectomy. If the doctors my mother had first visited had decided to any basic tests, like a CT, would she be here today? They had planned on doing a hysterectomy, but by the time they found it, the cancer had spread. The point is, if you’re hurting, truly hurting—in any way—then something is wrong and you need to talk to a professional person regarding your issues.

I know now why I hurt. I can tell one hurt from another, and know why it is the way that it is. I don’t have to like the pain, but I can deal with it. I know that it is not something life-threatening, so I can live with that. But I won’t stop going to the doctor to have regular—or more than regular—check ups. It is highly beneficial to listen to your body and recognize what is going on.

Okay, that’s it. In the biggest nutshell you’ve ever encountered.

A side note: Everyone should have the ability to go to the doctor. Please remember that the ER cannot turn you away if you truly need emergency medical attention. It’s the law.

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